Imagination: Enlist a “Nation of Images” to communicate your big ideas!

April, 2016
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A picture says a thousand words. Imagination is built on a huge nation of images all telling your new story, ideas, process, in the universal language of images. Use your imagination to create exciting new opportunities, and then engage your audience with images that both provoke communication and support. Use this entire nation of images (imagination) to play and work with!

A word (or words!) about “imagination”.
The word actually says it all. A “nation of images” is what makes up the world of communicating and creating. Value, process, focus, clarity, all come from engaging and communicating with the visual world of simple images.  Long solid copy is not a viable solution when brainstorming or sharing new ideas. The realm of imagination is infinite and expresses itself in multiple sensory ways, which includes words, visuals, bursts and blasts of messages that are quick and flexible.

Visual storytelling expresses the facts and feelings that flow with quick “blue sky” thinking. Stories become “real”, no matter how creative or far out when sketched storyboards, visuals, quick sketches are made and shared. It is how stories for movies, commercials, documentaries, animation are expressed to whole teams of creatives.

Imagine that!
Out of the infinite “ether”…imagination sparks a creative notion, story, and words are married with visuals…and sometimes just pictures tell the story with absolutely NO copy or written word.

Shared creative experience happens when a script of quick visual storyboards, key visuals are created so all can be on the same journey and contribute to making something “speak” its truth in this physical world. To educate, enthuse, excite, entertain, explain…the nation of images is there to guide the journey! Where would the Disney classics be without those wonderful sketches that outlined each scene, character, format and victorious ending?

Your “nation of images” can and will engage others…pure “word” does not have this effect unless you are a poet laureate or the Dali Lama (and even their words slide over beautiful imagery…just look at what the search engines give you first…quotes with imagery!)
ringEngage500Images engage because…

A picture does tell a thousand stories because most folks put their own story into them…their own creative thoughts, their own emotions…all with the key foundation being communicated to all. We all think differently, our own creativity, imagination is somehow triggered by a visual, sketch, drawing, scene. We become part of this visual in a visceral way…emotional participation creates engagement, conversation, participation much more that a paragraph of copy. That is why those VERY effective all visual cartoons, commercials, billboards all quickly communicate ONE focus, message…people “get it” quicker when visuals are expressing an idea. Most obvious one is the light bulb above a person’s head…AHA…Eureka, solutions are brilliant!

Sure, folks all learn in different ways: seeing, hearing, touching, feeling, even smelling. Tap into what now has been measured as up to 80% of folks now receive their learning via visual communications.

Be a rebel in the visual world…use your imagination to the max to show new things, your ideas, your goals, your message, your YOU…illustrate, picture it, sketch it, doodle it…let others envision your vision.

Imagination: The Nation of Visuals…use them to give yourself the visual power to create quick communications that can help you reach your goals.

Give me a call to ask about how quick sketch can create a whole new nation of possibilities for your communications, teachings, messaging.

Thanks for taking time to imagine how your imagination, your unique nation of images, can help you tell your story, engage your audience, define your dreams, create clear focus, get to your message to your community in a quick and captivating way!

I’m Paula Brown, Visual Scribe / Author. I am a visual storyteller showing you how to IGNITE YOUR STORY, YOUR ENERGY, YOUR WELL-BEING for both business and home. My site is: Connect on: LinkedIn, Twitter. and you can “like” my facebook page at: